It's that time of year again and Nowhere in Mulberry has put together another fine Holiday Pack for the Listeners. This year we've done something Different, this time we've done the first ever Nowhere in Mulberry Film Commentaries!
Pop in the DVD of the Film that has been NiM Commentaried and Listen as we tell you when to hit 'Play' to sync up with us. Sit back and watch the movie with us and hopefully you will have a fun time. Here is an Example from The Phantom Menace of what you can expect.
Help Support Nowhere in Mulberry this holiday season with the generous donation of $10 (or more if you like) and gain instant access to these awesome Commentaries!
The Package Includes:
NiM Commentary -- The Phantom Menace
The first ever Nowhere in Mulberry Commentary, simply pop in your Phantom Menace DVD and wait for our cue to start the film and join us as we have a blast riffing on this instant classic! You will not believe how ugly Yoda looks!
NiM Commentary -- Attack of the Clones
Eject the Spare Part Cannisters! Join the Mulberry Boys
as they watch and dissect and riff on this Star Wars Classic.
NiM Commentary -- Revenge of the Sith
Buzz Droids! Join Bill and Jason as they close out the Star Wars saga while having a bit of fun riffing on the film and watching Anakin kill some younglings.
And last but not least.
NiM Commentary -- Lethal Weapon 3
We're too old for this sh*t! Join Bill and Jason as they watch a Couple of Crazy Cops go to Fast Eddies for Burgers while taking down an Evil Ex-Cop Jack Travis!!! Oh My!
To Recieve These Episodes
Go to Nowhere in Mulberry
Click the Donation Button on the right and then send your donation.
You Will then be sent Access to The Holiday Package via Email.
Any Questions? Send them to and I will promptly answer them.
We really hope that you enjoy these commentaries, we were cutting our teeth on the whole concept of doing a Commentary and hopefully we improve a little on each one. Here's to you the listener, who's enthusiasm and feedback motivates us to keep on doing the show!
thank all of you for your Donations and Support.